Tax Evasion
"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Tax Evasion Charges in Gainesville
Have you or a loved one been charged with tax evasion?
When facing any allegation related to tax evasion, it is critical that you act quickly in contacting a Gainesville white collar crime lawyer. During these troubled economic times, the tax authorities are having trouble collecting from a financially stressed population, and have increased the investigatory units that look for those who are avoiding paying their share of the taxes owed under law.
If convicted of tax evasion, there is likely going to be time spent in federal prison. Even failing to file your taxes for an extended period of time can result in allegations of tax evasion. Whether you are charged personally or in a business tax evasion matter, this is a serious charge.
If you or a loved one has been accused of this federal crime, contact a Gainesville white collar crime attorney immediately for help in protecting your legal rights and interests.
A conviction on charges of tax evasion would likely irreparably damage your professional reputation and limit future possibilities. Such cases take their toll in stress, concern about the future and the fear of conviction. Taking effective action in enlisting strong legal representation is vital when allegations of tax evasion are on the table. The federal criminal justice system has tough penalties for those that are convicted of avoiding paying their fair share of taxes, and fighting for your defense is an urgent ma
Defending Charges of Tax Evasion
Kinsell Law Firm has been serving Gainesville clients for over fifteen years. We are very experienced in white collar crime defense and with the Federal Court system. Our criminal attorneys are former state prosecutors and defense lawyers of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Florida. We are also members of the Florida Law Bar Association and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Our firm has the reputation of competent and aggressive legal representation. Your case demands an immediate review from our legal team.