Healthcare Fraud
"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Gainesville Healthcare Fraud Attorney
Have you been charged with Health Care Fraud?
Healthcare Fraud has to do with using deceptive practices to illegally obtain funds or to conceal financial records. Persons likely to be charged are people working in the healthcare industry such as physicians, hospital managers, nursing home administrators and home healthcare providers.
Typical criminal contact includes:
- Billing at an unusually high rate
- Double billing
- Medicare fraud
- Charging for services that were not provided
- False billing
- Providing kickbacks to patients
- Paying doctors for referral
- Alteration of medical records
- Home healthcare aides billing for 25 hours of work per day
- Patients receiving care they do not need
- Physicians having an investment share in a home healthcare agency to which they refer patients
Investigations of these offenses usually come from government agencies at the state or federal level, not the local police department. The investigations are thorough and very invasive and put the targeted person very much at risk of saying the wrong thing, even if his intentions and activities have been innocent. It is therefore important to have the assistance of a Gainesville white collar crime attorney adept at health care fraud defense.
Experienced Healthcare Fraud Lawyer in Gainesville
At Kinsell Law Firm, we serve people charged with healthcare fraud in the Gainesville, Florida area. Our attorneys have more than 20 years' criminal law experience and are accomplished in the defense of healthcare fraud charges. As we know that if convicted you face prison sentences, heavy fines and loss of licenses, our aim is to obtain full dismissal of your charges or exoneration in the courtroom. We also know the stress you are under and endeavor to provide you will friendly and respectful service while keeping in close communication with you.
Contact a Healthcare Fraud Attorney at the firm for help with your healthcare fraud charge. We urge you to contact us for a confidential case evaluation.