"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Gainesville CDL DUI Defense Lawyer
CDL DUI Attorney – Protect Your Commercial Driver's License
A CDL DUI is a DUI offense committed by someone who holds a commercial drivers' license, such as those issued to drivers of commercial semi-trucks. The blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for a driver of commercial vehicles is different in Florida than it is for drivers of standard passenger vehicles.
An individual found with a BAC of only .04% when operating a commercial vehicle can be immediately charged with DUI and face very serious penalties. Additionally, it is illegal to refuse to submit to a chemical test that establishes BAC, and if the individual does so, they may face even further penalties.
Do you have a commercial drivers' license and have been arrested for DUI? Contact a Gainesville CDL DUI defense attorney!
Any CDL DUI infraction will result in the driver's commercial drivers' license being revoked for one year, in addition to the DUI penalties they will already face. Any driver charged with DUI for a second time while operating a commercial vehicle will have their commercial drivers' license revoked permanently, which will result in their in their inability to ever pilot such a vehicle ever again.
Experienced DUI Defense Attorney in Gainesville
Kinsell Law Firm understands what is at stake in your CDL DUI case. A conviction could result in you losing your livelihood, causing extreme hardship to you and your family.
Contact our firm today, and we will provide you with thorough, aggressive legal help that is designed to obtain a conclusion in your case in which those charges are lessened or dropped entirely.