Prescription Fraud
"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Gainesville Prescription Fraud Attorney
What is prescription fraud?
Prescription fraud means using deceptive or false means to obtain a drug prescription for one's own use or for profit. A pharmacist or doctor can also be charged with prescription fraud if he or she knowingly agrees to issue or change a prescription.
The following may lead to being arrested for prescription fraud:
- Copying or forging a prescription
- Changing a prescription to obtain a higher dosage
- Adding a second drug to a legal prescription
- Impersonating medical personnel to call in a prescription
- Posing as a pharmacist to fill a prescription
- Pretending to be a doctor to write a prescription
- Stealing a prescription or blank prescription pads
Some penalties for prescription fraud are fines, probation, jail or prison time, community service, drug counseling, and having a criminal record. Licensed pharmacists and doctors may also lose their licenses.
If you have been charged with prescription fraud or feel an arrest is imminent you need to seek the counsel of an experienced Gainesville drug crimes lawyer from Kinsell Law Firm. As former prosecutors, we understand the strategies to pursue in your case.
Options Instead of Jail Time
It is important to know that there may be alternatives to jail time or prison for you:
- Depending on the circumstance of your case, it may be possible to have it transferred to an Alachua County drug court. This would result in your avoiding being formally convicted and treated for drug addiction instead of punished
- We may be able to have you participate in a drug diversion program and have your charges dismissed if you successfully complete the program
- We are knowledgeable about treatment programs with good track records and can help you get into one to treat your addiction
- You may be eligible to have your arrest record expunged or sealed
- Our attorneys will review your case to determine if your constitutional rights were violated, which may result in a suppression of evidence
Our dedicated attorneys understands that those who may commit prescription fraud are typically not hardened criminals, but are often those who are addicted to prescription drugs who have made bad choices in order to manage their problem.
Do not wait until you have been arrested. Contact a Gainesville prescription fraud lawyer today for help.