Possession for Sale
"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Possession with Intent to Sell
Drug Crimes Attorney in Gainesville
Facing a drug arrest for possession can be a nightmare. When the amount you possessed was large enough to merit a possession for sale charge, things can get a whole lot worse. What may have only been a misdemeanor charge now becomes a guaranteed felony, saddling you and your future with the possibility of lengthy jail time and lifelong negative repercussions. What began as a simple mistake can become an albatross that greatly affects for financial stability and personal relationships.
If you or a loved one is facing the serious charge of possession with intent to distribute, you should contact a Gainesville drug crimes attorney for an immediate examination of your case and swift legal action in your defense.
You may wonder what exactly differentiates between a simple possession charge and possession with the intent to sell. The most important factors are the amount of drugs you are caught in possession of and any other telling materials that you may have in your possession.
Smaller amounts are generally looked upon by police as for personal use or recreation. However, possession of larger amounts, regardless of your actual intent, will point to the intent to distribute. Paraphernalia such as scales, baggies, or a client list will also escalate charges you may be facing.
Gainesville Drug Crimes Lawyer
A strong and outstanding legal team is needed to help ensure your rights and interests remain well protected. With years of experience and success in representing clients against a myriad of criminal charges under our belt, Kinsell Law Firm can work tenaciously for you. You expect personal service and excellent communication through this trying time, and we can commit to providing that.
Why put your future at risk? Contact a Gainesville drug crimes attorney to begin a caring and exemplary representation.