"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Gainesville Drug Manufacturing Defense Lawyer
Illegal Drug Manufacturing
Manufacturers of illegal drugs are considered some of the key offenders of drug crime laws. Law enforcement agents will target this illegal activity through the raiding of marijuana growing operations, meth labs and other manufacturing facilities. Charges filed against you will be of the most grievous nature and you could easily be condemned to spending the rest of your life in prison if convicted. If you are arrested on drug manufacturing charges, remain calm, remain silent and make immediate contact with an experienced Gainesville drug crimes attorney.
Illegal activities that can lead to a drug manufacturing arrest include:
- Operating a marijuana growing greenhouse
- Operating a methamphetamine lab
- Cultivating illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine
- Possession or distribution of illegal materials or chemicals used in drug manufacturing
- Involvement in another aspect of drug manufacturing
Generally, the amount of illegal drugs and materials seized during the raid of a manufacturing facility will play an enormous role in the prosecution's case against you. A skilled attorney can work at investigating police tactics that may have led to illegal collection of evidence through a wiretap, statement or illegal search and seizure.
Drug Crimes Attorney in Gainesville
Not just any criminal defense team has the capabilities and resources to defend a client against serious drug charges such as manufacturing. With a proven track record of success and over 20 years of experience, the attorneys at Kinsell Law Firm have the knowledge and legal prowess you need to mount a successful defense against very serious charges. Our trusted firm understands your worry and despair and will fight diligently for your cause through each step of the legal process.
We know you are worried about your future. Contact a Gainesville Drug Manufacturing Defense Lawyer to begin important action in your drug manufacturing case.