"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Importation of Illegal Narcotics
Gainesville Drug Crimes Attorney
The importation of illegal drugs into the country across international borders or from another state is a serious federal crime. If convicted, you are sure to face several years in prison and steep fines. Your future will be adversely affected as well, as you will carry with you a criminal record that can keep you from finding a job or even securing a house or a loan.
Whether it be due to marijuana, cocaine, heroin or even a prescription drug that has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a drug importation charge requires the immediate assistance of a Gainesville drug crimes lawyer.
Because of its extensive coastline, international airports, and proximity to Mexico, Cuba and South America, Florida is prime territory for illegal drug importation and smuggling.
Methods that smugglers use to sneak illegal narcotics into the United States can include:
- Disguising drug cargo in a legal product such as food or over the counter medication
- Hiding illegal drugs within luggage compartments, food cans, etc.
- Using drug mules that swallow or hide drugs in body cavities to sneak in product
- Hiding narcotics within a large shipment of legal cargo
If convicted on a drug importation offense, you could face 3-25 years in prison and a fine of $25,000 upwards to $500,000.
Drug Crimes Lawyer in Gainesville
We understand that you are facing serious charges and a nightmarish scenario if convicted. Our excellent attorneys at Kinsell Law Firm will work with law enforcement and prosecutors on your behalf, protecting your constitutional rights and best interests. We will actively seek a reduction or elimination of the charges against you, and will use our extensive knowledge and experience in drug crimes defense to further your cause.
Contact a Gainesville drug crimes lawyer to ensure that you have an experienced legal team on your side.