"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Ecstasy Crimes in Gainesville
Gainesville Drug Crimes Lawyer
Florida is very strict with people who have been causing possessing, using, creating or delivering the drug Ecstasy. It is classified as a Schedule 1 narcotic. This means it is the kind of drug that, if you are caught with it, carries the heaviest penalties. The majority of Ecstasy is homemade. As such, it is a very dangerous drug. It is crucial that you consult a Gainesville drug crimes lawyer who understands both the federal and state drug laws involving it, and what strategies to use defending those who have been charged with Ecstasy related crimes.
Ecstasy is commonly known as "E" or "X" and is one of the most popular drugs in the U.S. today. Though created as a drug to be used in therapy, it started being used in the early 1980's as a recreational drug. More recently it has been associated with dance clubs and raves. In 1985 the DEA partnered with Congress to pass laws making Ecstasy illegal. Both the state and federal government forcefully prosecute Ecstasy drug cases.
Penalties for Possession or Manufacture of Ecstasy
Unlike marijuana, any possession of Ecstasy is considered a felony. In Florida possession of MDMA carries a maximum penalty of up to 5 years. If this is your first offense, you are most likely eligible for Drug Court. In Florida all sentences are based on the weight of the substance.
Anyone guilty of the manufacturing, delivery with intent to sell, or possession of MDMA is guilty of a second degree felony with a sentence of up to 15 years in Florida state prison. The sale or possession of Ecstasy within 1000 feet of a school, where there is intent to sell carries a penalty of up to 30 years with a 3 year minimum mandatory sentence.
Whether you have been accused of possession or trafficking, both are felonies and require an aggressive defense. Kinsell Law Firm has the resources to thoroughly investigate your case. We will provide a defense that will protect your rights and provides your greatest chance of success.
Contact a Gainesville Drug Crimes Lawyer if you have been charged with the possession or sale of the drug Ecstasy.